General Provisions Unless specifically exempted or regulated elsewhere, the following regulations apply to all lands covered by the Zoning By-law.

The information on this page provides an easy to use reference to Section 5 of the Zoning By-law

5.1 Application of By-Law

No person shall use land or erect, alter or use any building or other structure or any part thereof within the Corporation except in accordance with this By-law.

5.2 Accessory Buildings and Accessory Structures in all Zones except the M1 Zone

By-law 122-2001

Except as otherwise provided in the By-law.

  1. Where this By-law provides that land may be used or a building or other structure may be erected, altered or used for a use, that use shall include any accessory building or accessory use incidental thereto, and
  2. Any accessory building or other structure, other than a ground-oriented amenity area, which is not part of the main building shall be erected to the rear of the front line of the main building, and shall not occupy more than 10 percent of the lot, exceed 4.3 metres in height, nor be closer than 1.2 metres to a side or rear lot line.
  3. By-law 62-1995; By-law 44-2006

  1. Any ground-oriented amenity area shall be located to the rear of the front wall of the main building, and shall not be located closer than 1.2 metres to any lot line. Despite the foregoing, in the case of semi-detached dwelling, row house dwelling> or other multiple dwelling> with units separated by a party wall, or where the exterior side wall of a dwelling is located less than 1.2 metres from a side lot line, the ground-oriented amenity area may extend up to the party wall or exterior side wall of the dwelling, subject to the provision of a 1.5 metre high privacy fence rising from the surface of the ground-oriented amenity area and extending along the entire side of the ground-oriented amenity that is located less than 1.2 metres from the side lot line.
  2. By-law 63-1999; By-law 10-2002

  3. Notwithstanding the provisions of this by-law, accessory buildings, play structures, and playhouses, shall be permitted in the yard located between the rear lot line and the main building, provided they are less than 10 square metres in area and less than 2.1 metres in height
  4. By-law 48-1996

  5. Notwithstanding the provisions of this by-law, drop awnings, canopies, flag poles, garden trellises, fences, retaining walls, signs, air conditioners, heat pumps, dog houses, dog runs, composters, clothes lines, clothes hanging trees, accessible ramps, or similar accessory uses lawfully erected, shall be permitted in all yards.
  6. By-law 48-1996; By-law 16-2006

    An awning, at full extension, or canopy shall be a minimum of 2.4 metres in height, and a minimum of 1.2 metres from the face of the building.

    By-law 16-2006 By-law 2020-047

  1. Any accessory building which is a satellite dish shall not be located within the side yard of a residential property or within that portion of a residential property between the street line and the front wall of the main building on the site and extending across the full width of the site or at an elevation higher than the main building on the lot on which the satellite dish is situated. A satellite dish shall comply with the zone requirements of the zone in which such building is located.

5.3 Non-Conforming Buildings and Structures

Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the strengthening to a safe condition of a building or other structure or repair of minor damage or replacement of a building or other structure that is a non-conforming use, provided that,

  1. Such repair or replacement does not contravene this By-law because of a change in the height, size, volume or use of such building or other structure, and
  2. If the building is a dwelling house in a zone other than a residential zone, it complies with the requirements for an R4 Zone.

By-law 5-2015

5.4 Corner Lot Requirements

Notwithstanding any other provisions contained in this By-law, no building or other structure shall be erected and no shrubs or foliage shall be planted or maintained on a corner lot within the triangular space, defined in this by-law as a sight triangle, which obstructs the view of the driver of a vehicle on a street approaching an intersection.

5.5 Side Yards for Decks other than Ground-Oriented Amenity Areas

The minimum interior and exterior side yard setback of all decks, other than ground-oriented amenity areas, shall be the established side yard as determined by the distance between the exterior side wall of the dwelling and the side lot line. Despite the foregoing, in the case of a semi-detached dwelling, row house dwelling>, or other multiple dwelling> with units separated by a party wall, or where the exterior side wall of a dwelling is located less than 1.2 metres from a side lot line, the deck may extend up to the party wall or exterior side wall of the dwelling, subject to the provision of a 1.5 metre high privacy fence rising from the surface of the deck and extending along the entire side of the deck that is located less than 1.2 metres from the side lot line.

By-law 63-1999

5.7 Dwelling Unit on Non-Residential Land or in a Non-Residential Building

No person shall use any land or erect, alter or use any building or other structure for the purpose of a dwelling unit contained within a non-residential building on land zoned other than R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, RM1 or RM2 use except in accordance with the following provisions:

  1. 1) One or more dwelling units shall be permitted provided that each dwelling unit:
    1. has a minimum floor area of 42 square metres
    2. has a separate washroom or bathroom and kitchen facility
    3. has an entrance separate from that provided for any non-residential use
    4. has a separate parking space; and,
      1. is located on any floor, other than the basement or ground floor, of a building in a CBD, C1 or C2 zone; or
      2. is located on any floor of a mixed-use building in a C5 zone.

By-law 34-1998; By-law 43-1999; By-law 95-2003

5.8 Excepted Lands, Building and Non-conforming Uses

Nothing in this By-law shall apply to prevent

  1. The alteration of a conforming or a lawful non-conforming building containing one or more dwelling units in a commercial zone on the date of the passing of this By-law, provided that the number of dwelling units is not increased and that such alteration does not contravene any of the provisions of this By-law for such use in an R4 Zone, and
  2. The alteration of a conforming or a lawful non-conformingbuilding containing one or more dwelling units existing on the date of the passing of this By-law having a ground floor area or dwelling unit area less than that required by this By-law, provided that such alteration does not contravene any other provision of this By-law.

5.9 Non-Complying Buildings, Structures and Lots

  1. Non-Complying Buildings and Structures
  2. Nothing in this By-law shall prohibit the enlargement, repair, replacement or renovation of existing buildings or structures which are non-complying with any regulations of this By-law, provided that the enlargement, repair, replacement or renovation does not further contravene any regulations which are not complied with or contravene any regulations which are currently met.

  3. Non-Complying Lots
  4. Where a lot has less than required lot area or lot frontage, nothing in this By-law shall prevent the enlargement, repair, replacement or renovation of existing buildings or structures provided that all other regulations of this By-law are met.

By-law 85-1996; By-law 5-2015

5.10 Fences

Where a lot has been vacant since before the passing of Zoning By-law 22-90, is located within an "R" Zone or "C5" Zone and has less than required lot area or lot frontage, nothing in this By-law shall prevent the construction of a single detached dwelling and accessory structures provided that all other regulations of this By-law are complied with.

By-law 85-1996

5.11 Fences

Fences shall be a maximum of 2.1 metres in height in rear and side yards. The height of fences erected in rear and side yards is also permitted to be increased to a maximum of 2.7 metres provided that the portion of the fence in excess of 2.1 metres is of an open nature, i.e. trellis design or lattice.

A maximum fence height of 0.9 metres shall be permitted in any front yard, but shall not be erected along the street line in any sight triangle.

A noise fence, or an acoustical barrier, may be permitted up to a maximum height of 3 metres based on the recommendations of a noise impact analysis prepared by an acoustical engineer.

By-law 44-1993; By-law 32-2011

5.12 Frontage on Street

No person shall erect any building or other structure in any zone unless the land upon which such building or other structure is to be erected fronts upon a street.

5.13 Height Exceptions

Notwithstanding the height provisions, nothing in this By-law shall apply to prevent the erection of a church spire, belfry, clock tower, chimney, elevator enclosure, equipment penthouse, silo which forms part of a barn, municipal water storage facility, windmill, radio tower or antenna, radar tower or antenna, or television tower or antenna but this provision shall not include a satellite dish.

By-law 122-2001

5.14 Home Occupations

Permitted Uses

Home Occupations - Class "A"

Home Occupations - Class "A" as defined in Section 2 of this By-law shall be permitted in all dwelling types.

Home Occupations - Class "B"

Home Occupations - Class "B" as defined in Section 2 of this By-law shall be permitted only in semi-detached and single detached dwellings.

Home Occupations - Class "C"

Home Occupations - Class "C" as defined in Section 2 of this By-law shall only be permitted in single detached dwellings.

General Provisions

The following provisions apply to all home occupations:

  1. The home occupation shall be secondary to the main residential use and shall not change the residential character of the dwelling.
  2. The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling unit and no accessory buildings are to be used.
  3. There shall be no external storage or display of goods or materials.
  4. Not more than 25 percent of the floor area of the dwelling or a maximum of 30 sq. metres, whichever is the lesser, may be used for the home occupation.
  5. By-law 97-1996

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, a bed and breakfast establishment may exceed the foregoing floor area limitations but the number of guest bedrooms shall not exceed three.

    By-law 102-1996

  6. There shall be no outside exposure of goods, wares or merchandise offered for rent or sale in the dwelling.
  7. No mechanical equipment which would cause a nuisance through noise, vibration or interference with television or radio reception may be used.
  8. A maximum of one employee who is not a resident of the dwelling may be permitted.
  9. There shall be no external display or advertising except in accordance with all applicable laws.
  10. All uses shall be subject to the requirements of the Ontario Building Code Act and the Fire Marshall's Act.

By-law 50-1994

  1. No more than one home occupation is permitted per dwelling unit.

By-law 32-2011

5.15 Lane as a Yard

Where the rear lot line of a lot adjoins any portion of a lane, one-half of the width of that portion of such lane may be considered part of the lot for the purpose of computing the area of the lot or the depth of any rear yard required under this By-law.

5.16 Loading Spaces

When a building is constructed in a CBD, C1, C2, C3 or M1 Zone or when an existing building in these zones is enlarged by more than 30 percent of its present ground floor area or 300 square metres, whichever is less, off-street loading space(s) shall be provided in a side or rear yard on the same lot in accordance with the following:

  1. each loading space having minimum dimensions of 9 metres long by 3.5 metres wide;
  2. access and egress to and from the loading space(s) being provided by means of driveway(s) to a street or lane having a minimum width of 6 metres;
  3. the provision of 1 loading space for a total new or additional floor area of between 300 square metres to 2,300 square metres;
  4. the provision of 2 loading spaces for a total new or additional floor area of between 2,300 square metres to 7,500 square metres; and,
  5. the provision of 1 additional loading space for each new or additional floor area increment of 9,000 square metres or part thereof over 7,500 square metres.

By-law 16-2006

5.17 Parking Area Regulations

Parking spaces and areas are required under this By-law in accordance with the following provisions:

  1. Parking Space Requirements

    1. The owner of every building or other structure, except in the Central Business District (CBD) Zone, erected or used for any of the uses hereinafter set forth shall provide and maintain for the sole use of the owner, occupant or other persons entering upon or making use of such building or other structure, the following parking spaces and areas. When calculating the required number of parking spaces, the numbers are rounded down to the nearest whole number:
    2. By-law 43-1999 By-law 2020-047

      Type of Building Minimum Parking Required
      Art Gallery By-law 5-20151 parking space for each 50 square metres of floor area
      bed and breakfast establishment By-law 102-19961 parking space for each guest bedroom
      building containing one dwelling unit By-law 25-20182 parking spaces
      building containing two or more dwelling units (except 'multiple dwellings') By-law 25-20182 parking spaces per dwelling unit
      Multiple Dwelling By-law 25-20181 1/2 parking spaces per dwelling unit
      Religious institution, funeral home, auditorium, banquet hall, theatre, arena, private club or other place of assembly By-law 44-2006; By-law 32-2011Where there are fixed seats, 1 parking space for every 5 seats or 3 metres of bench space and where there are no fixed seats, 1 parking space for each 9 square metres of floor area.
      Restaurant By-law 32-20111 parking space for each 9 square metres of net floor area, where the floor area of washrooms and 50% of any kitchen areas will be excluded from the definition of floor area found in Section 2.55 for the purposes of this calculation.
      Home Occupation (other than a bed and breakfast establishment) By-law 97-1996; By-law 102-19961 parking space for each 20 square metres of home occupation area, or portion thereof, plus 1 parking space for a non-resident employee.
      Hotel, Motel1 parking space for each suite or guest room and 1 parking space for each 9 square metres of floor area devoted to public use.
      Medical Centre, Medical Laboratory By-law 12-19991 parking space for each 20 square metres of floor area.
      Hospital1 parking space for each 50 square metres of gross floor area By-law 2020-047
      Long-Term Care Facility By-law 2020-047, Retirement Home By-law 95-20031 parking space for each 3 beds.
      Variety Store1 parking space for each 14 square metres of floor area.
      Retail, office and other service establishments1 parking space for each 20 square metres of floor area.
      Recreational Establishment By-law 122-20011 parking space for each 20 square metres of floor area.
      Elementary schools1 parking space for each teaching area.
      Secondary schools2 1/2 parking spaces for each teaching area and 1 bus loading area for each 2 teaching areas
      Crisis care facility By-law 95-20031 parking space for each 30 square metres of floor area.
      An industrial use and any use permitted in the M1 Zone that is not otherwise mentioned in this subsection. By-law 122-20011 parking space for each 95 square metres of floor area to 1,800 square metres and 1 parking space for each 460 square metres of floor area in excess of 1,800 square metres including any basement area if used for industrial use.
      Any use not included in this subsection1 parking space for each 9 square metres of floor area.
    3. Within that area identified on Schedule A to this By-law as the Central Business District (CBD) Zone, parking shall be required at a level of one half of that required in all other areas for all uses, except that additional dwelling units shall require 1 parking space for each new unit.
    4. The above parking standard in Section 1)(b) for the Central Business District (CBD) Zone, shall only apply to new floor area and new additional dwelling units.
      By-law 43-1999
    5. Bicycle Parking Requirements
    6. Bicycle parking spaces are required for the uses listed below in addition to any required parking spaces for motor vehicles:

      Type of Building Minimum Bike Parking Required
      Commercial, institutional (excluding schools)2 parking spaces plus 1 parking space per 1,000 square metres of floor area
      Industrial2 parking spaces plus 0.25 parking spaces per 1,000 square metres of floor area
      Elementary and secondary schools1 per 10 students plus 1 per 35 employees
      Post secondary school1 per 20 students

      Each bicycle parking space shall have a minimum length of 1.8 metres and a minimum width of 0.6 metres. A bicycle parking area shall be located on the ground and have direct access and egress to the ground level adjacent to the bicycle parking area.

      By-law 57-2009

  2. Parking Area Requirements

  3. Parking areas shall conform with the following requirements,

    1. the parking area shall be located on the same lot as the use it is intended to serve, except for those properties located within the Central Business District (CBD) Zone. Within the Central Business District (CBD) Zone parking may be provided in a location other than on the same lot that requires such spaces provided that such parking is located within 120 metres of the said lot and is located within the same zone but is not located on a municipal parking lot.
    2. By-law 43-1999; By-law 44-2006

    3. each parking space shall be at least 2.7 metres by 5.5 metres and shall be provided with unobstructed access to a street by a driveway, parking aisle or lane.
      A parallel parking space shall be 2.7 metres by 6.7 metres and shall be provided with unobstructed access to a street by a driveway, parking aisle or lane.
      An angled parking space shall be 2.7 metres by 5.5 metres and shall be provided with unobstructed access to a street by a driveway, parking aisle or lane.
    4. Notwithstanding subsection (b) hereof, any parking space required for a home occupation, or for dwelling units within a single detached dwelling or one half of a semi-detached dwelling, may be obstructed by another parking space.
    5. By-law 95-2003

    6. All garages in a R, D or C5 Zone shall have the following minimum interior dimensions:
      1. a depth of 5.5 metres measured from the vehicular door to the rear of the garage; and
      2. a width of 2.7 metres.

      By-law 103-1996

    7. In a C5 zone, the minimum width of that portion of a lane, aisle or driveway, or some combination thereof, that is located immediately adjacent to a non-parallel parking space that is required for a commercial use or mixed-use building, is 5.5 metres.
    8. By-law 34-1998

  4. Parking Area Surface

  5. In a Commercial or Industrial Zone no land shall be used as a parking area, a driveway connecting the parking area with a street or an off-street loading space unless it is paved with hot-mix asphalt or Portland cement concrete or installed with permeable pavers and graded or drained to ensure that surface water will not escape to adjacent lands.

    By-law 5-2015

  6. Ingress and Egress

    1. Ingress and egress, to and from the required parking spaces and areas shall be provided by means of unobstructed ramps at least 3.6 metres but not more than 9 metres in perpendicular width.
    2. The maximum width of any joint ingress and egress ramp measured at the throat of the driveway shall be 9 metres.
    3. By-law 44-2006

    4. The minimum distance between any ramp and an intersection of street lines measured along the street line intersected by such ramp shall be 7.5 metres.
    5. The minimum angle of intersection between a ramp and a street line shall be 60 degrees.
    6. Every lot shall be limited to the following number of ramps.
      1. for the first 30 metres of frontage - not more than 2 ramps separated by a minimum of 9 metres.
      2. for each additional 30 metres of frontage - not more than 1 additional ramp, separated from any other ramp to the same property by a minimum of 9 metres.
    7. Notwithstanding subsections (a) to (e) above, new driveway accesses to and from either side of Broadway will be prohibited on properties between Wellington Street and John Street on the south, and Third Street and Faulkner Street on the north.
    8. By-law 16-2006

  7. Addition to Building or Other Structure

  8. When a building or other structure has insufficient parking area at the date of the passing of this By-law, no addition shall be erected and no alteration made to any such building or other structure or the use thereof which has the effect of increasing such deficiency.

  9. Use of Parking Spaces and Areas

    1. ln an ER, R, RM1, RM2, C5 and D Zone, no person shall park or store a vehicle on a lot, other than:
      • an automobile;
      • a truck or bus having a maximum length of 7 metres and a maximum height of 3.6 metres;
      • a motorcycle;
      • a motorized snow vehicle;
      • recreational vehicle having a maximum height of 3.6 metres. Height does not include accessory items such as antenna, HVAC units, lights;
      • a boat with accessory trailer; or
      • a utility trailer having a maximum height of 3.6 metres.
    2. By-law 32-2011

    3. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) a truck tractor may be permitted to park in an ER, R, RM1, RM2, C5 and D Zone during a single period of up to 48 hours in any two week period.
    4. By-law 112-1996; By-law 10-2002

  10. Parking Area Location on a Lot

    1. Notwithstanding the yard and setback provisions of this By-law, uncovered surface Parking areas in other than residential zones, shall be permitted in the required yard provided no part of any parking area other than the driveway shall be located within 3 metres of any street line or residential zone, which area shall be landscaped.
    2. By-law 16-2006

    3. In an R, D or C5 Zone, no parking shall be permitted in the front yard of a lot except on one driveway having a maximum width as follows:
    4. Lot Frontage Maximum Driveway Width
      Less than 6.7 metres 3.8 metres or 60 percent of the lot frontage, whichever is less
      6.8 metres to 8.9 metres 4.0 metres
      9.0 metres to 12.0 metres 5.2 metres
      12.1 metres to 15.0 metres 6.0 metres
      Greater than 15.0 metres 8.5 metres or 50 percent of the lot frontage, whichever is less

      By-law 103-1996

    5. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), circular driveways having two entrances to the public road allowance may be permitted on lots with a minimum 20 metres of lot frontage. The maximum width of the principal driveway shall be in accordance with the table in subsection (b). The maximum width of the connecting arm between the principal driveway and the street line shall be 4 metres.
    6. A recreational vehicle or utility trailer, inclusive of tongue and attachments, that is located in a front yard or an exterior side yard must be setback a minimum of 2.0 metres from the edge of the road.
      A recreational vehicle or utility trailer, inclusive of tongue and attachments, that is located adjacent to a lane must be setback a minimum of 0.5 metres from the edge of the lane.
    7. In an R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6 zone, no vehicles may be parked in the side yard or the rear yard except in a garage, carport, or on one driveway with a maximum width of six metres. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
      1. within six metres of the face of a garage or carport, the maximum driveway width may be increased as required to match the width of the garage opening(s) or carport opening(s), and
      2. a single recreational vehicle may be parked elsewhere in the rear yard or interior side yard.
    8. Accessible parking spaces shall be provided for every development. Each space shall be provided with unobstructed access to a street by a driveway, aisle or lane. Accessible spaces shall be provided a maximum distance of 30 metres from the main entrance(s) of the building.
      The minimum dimensions for an accessible parking space shall be in accordance with the dimensions as follows:
      • Type A: 3.5 metres by 5.5 metres
      • Type B: 2.7 metres by 5.5 metres
      The number of accessible parking spaces are based on the total required parking as follows, with the calculated number of accessible spaces always rounded up to the nearest whole number:
      • r 1 - 12 parking spaces: One Type A parking space is required.
      • 13 - 100 parking spaces: Four percent of the total number of spaces are required.
      • 101 - 200 parking spaces: One parking space plus an additionalthree percent of the required parking spaces.
      • 201 - 1,000 parking spaces: Two parking spaces plus an additional two percent of the required parking spaces.
      • Greater than 1,000 parking spaces: Eleven parking spaces plus an additional one percent of the required parking spaces.
      Where the minimum number of accessible parking spaces required is even, an equal number of Type A and Type B accessible parking spaces shallbe required.
      Where the minimum number of accessible parking spaces required is odd, the additional accessible parking space remaining shall be a Type B accessible parking space.
      ln addition to the above parking space widths, an access aisle width of 1.5 metres is required adjacent to each space. Where the required 1.5 metre access aisle is provided between two accessible parking spaces, the aisle width can be shared.
    9. For multiple dwellings, retirement homes, long-term care facilities, and townhouses, other than street townhouses, an additional 0.25 parking spaces per dwelling unit is required for visitor parking spaces.
    10. By-law 103-1996; By-law 30-2002; By-law 16-2006; By-law 44-2006; By-law 32-2011; By-law 2020-047

5.18 Pits and Quarries

The making or establishment of pits and quarries is prohibited except for a wayside pit or quarry as defined herein.

5.19 Public Services

Notwithstanding anything else in this By-law, the Town (or any local board thereof as defined in The Department of Municipal Affairs Act), the County, CNCP Telecommunications, a transportation system owned or operated by or for the Town, any public telephone and/or utility company operating within the Town, any agency of the Federal or Provincial Government or of the Town and the County or an authorized contractor thereof, may, for the purpose of the public service, use any land or erect or use any building in any zone other than the Open Space Conservation (OS2) Zone, subject to the use or building being in compliance with the regulations prescribed for such zone or use and subject to there being no outdoor storage of goods, materials or equipment in any yard abutting a Residential Zone. Any buildings erected or used in a Residential Zone under the provisions of this Section shall be designed so as not to intrude into the residential character of the area.

Nothing in this By-law shall prevent

  1. the use of any land as a public park, playground, street, walkway, site for a statue, monument, cenotaph, fountain, or other memorial or ornamental structure, or
  2. the installation of a watermain, sanitary sewer main, storm sewer main, gas main, pipeline or overhead or underground hydro and telephone line if the location has been approved by the Corporation.
  3. By-law 59-1998; By-law 44-2006

5.20 Special Uses Permitted

Notwithstanding any other provisions contained in this By-law, the following uses are permitted in all zones.

  1. Temporary camps used in the construction of public works within the Corporation until such work is completed or otherwise terminated, and
  2. A tool shed, scaffold or other building or structure in conjunction with the erection of a building within the Corporation until such work is completed or otherwise terminated.
  3. Construction trailers.
  4. A wayside pit or quarry.
  5. A portable asphalt plant and a portable concrete plant used for the purposes of a public service for a particular roads project or contract or road construction for the Municipality, County or Province.
  6. A business office for selling and managing the construction of new homes, subject to the office being located in the same subdivision or project area as the new homes being offered for sale.
  7. Up to four model homes may be located on lands which are subject of a draft approved plan of subdivision in any Residential Zone provided that:
    1. the model home is located in accordance with the zone provisions of the zone in which it is located; and,
    2. an Agreement has been executed with the Town addressing the model homes. The agreement may permit up to four (4) model homes.

By-law 95-2003; By-law 32-2011; By-law 5-2015

5.21 Use for Hazardous Purpose

No land, building or other structure shall be used for a Commercial or industrial use that is likely to create a public nuisance or danger to health or danger from fire or explosion except in accordance with the provisions or regulations under the Gasoline Handling Act.

5.22 Yard Encroachments

  1. Ornamental structure
    Notwithstanding the provisions of this By-law, porches, bay windows, sills, chimneys, stairs, landings or other ornamental structures may encroach up to 0.6 metres into any yard requirement provided a setback of at least 0.6 metres is maintained.
    By-law 10-2002
    Notwithstanding the provisions of this By-law, porches, stairs, and landings may encroach up to 2.5 metres into the front and exterior side yard requirement provided a setback of at least 1.2 metres is maintained.
    By-law 2020-047
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of this By-law, eaves, cornices and parapets may encroach up to 0.6 metres into any yard requirement provided that a minimum setback of 0.1 metres is maintained.
  3. Fire Escape
    Notwithstanding the provisions of this By-law, an unenclosed fire escape and the structural members necessary for its support may encroach on any yard requirement to a maximum distance of 1.2 metres.

By-law 44-2006

5.23 Regional Storm

Where a zone symbol is followed by the suffix "(F)" this denotes lands which are subject to flooding during Regional storm conditions. As such, any development of such lands requires the prior written approval of the Credit Valley Conservation Authority pursuant to Ontario Regulation 162-80, as amended (the fill, construction and alteration to Waterways Regulation).

5.24 Holding Zone

Where the zone symbol designating certain lands is followed by the letter "H" the lands have been placed in a "Holding" zone.

The Holding symbol "H" shall be removed at such time in the future when plans to fully service and develop the lands have been submitted and approved by the Town or such other conditions as deemed appropriate by the Town have been met. When the Holding symbol has been removed the land shall be developed according to the requirements of the zone used in conjunction with the Holding symbol.

5.25 Residential Garage Protrusions

  1. Section 5.25 applies only:
    1. where specifically invoked by way of a provision in Section 24 hereof;
    2. to a lot with a lot frontage of less than 15 metres; and,
    3. to a garage that protrudes from a single detached, semi-detached or row house dwelling towards the front lot line.
  2. The garage face may protrude a maximum distance of 2.5 metres beyond one or more of the following:
    1. the main front wall of the dwelling,
    2. a habitable second floor located above the garage, or
    3. a fully-roofed front porch or verandah.

By-law 42-2000

5.26 Special Front Yard Porch Encroachments

  1. Section 5.26 applies only:
    1. where specifically invoked by way of a provision in Section 24 hereof; and
    2. to a lot with a lot frontage of less than 15 metres.
  2. Notwithstanding Section 5.22 hereof, a fully-roofed porch or verandah, and accompanying steps, located in the front yard of a single detached, semi-detached or row house dwelling>, may encroach on the minimum front yard requirement to a maximum distance of 2.5 metres.

By-law 42-2000

5.27 Residential Garage Openings

  1. Section 5.27 applies only:
    1. where specifically invoked by way of a provision in Section 24 hereof;
    2. to a lot with a lot frontage of less than 12 metres; and
    3. to a garage incorporated into a single detached dwelling, a semi-detached dwelling, or a row house dwelling>, and accessed by a driveway located in the front yard.
  2. The maximum width of the garage opening is 4.3 metres.

By-law 42-2000

5.28 Special Residential Garage Setback and Special Driveway Width

  1. Section 5.28 applies only:
    1. where specifically invoked by way of a provision in Section 24 hereof;
    2. to a lot with a lot frontage of less than 12 metres; and
    3. to a garage incorporated into a single detached dwelling, a semi-detached dwelling, or a row house dwelling>, and accessed by a driveway located in the front yard; and,
    4. where there is no public sidewalk within the area of the road allowance adjacent to the front lot line.
  2. Notwithstanding other provisions of this by-law, the minimum distance between the closer edge of the street curb and the garage face is 11 metres.
  3. Notwithstanding other provisions of this by-law, the maximum driveway width is 4.3 metres.

By-law 42-2000

5.29 Second Dwelling Units

Notwithstanding Sections 2 definitions, a second dwelling unit is permitted in a single detached dwelling or in each half of a semi-detached dwelling provided:

  1. there is only one entrance in the front wall of the dwelling where the front wall of the dwelling includes any wall facing the front lot line and,
  2. at least three parking spaces are provided for the two dwelling units.
  3. For properties with lot frontages between 9.0 metres to 12.0 metres, the minimum width required for a parking space in a driveway is 2.6 metres

By-law 95-2003 By-law 2020-047


Deleted by By-law 2022-053

5.31 Crisis Care Facilities

A Crisis care facility is permitted only on a lot with a front lot line which divides the lot from Broadway, First Street, Town Line, Hansen Boulevard, Blind Line, Dawson Road, C Line or B Line.

By-law 95-2003

5.32 Garbage Enclosures

In the CBD, C1, C2, C3, INST or M1 Zone exterior garbage enclosures and garbage containers are permitted in the interior side yard or rear yard only. They must be adequately screened from a street, and from any lot in a D, ER, R, RM or INST Zone, by means of a solid privacy fence, an enclosure of solid construction, or landscaping.

By-law 16-2006; By-law 44-2006

5.33 Drive-Through Facilities

Drive-through facilities associated with any permitted use, including any outdoor speakers and/or order boxes, but not including any associated vehicle stacking lanes, are not permitted closer than 30 metres of an R or RM Zone. Such facilities, speakers and boxes shall be subject to the following:

  1. 1) The attendant window, machine, outdoor speaker, etc. being located on a side of the building for which it serves that does not face the closest R, or RM Zone;
  2. 2) If an outdoor speaker or order box forms part of the facility, they are substantiated with the preparation of a noise impact study, with any recommended noise mitigation measures coming out of said study being implemented; and,
  3. 3) The facility being sufficiently visually screened from any R and RM Zone, and street by fencing and/or landscaping.

By-law 16-2006

5.35 Correction of Minor Administrative Errors

Where the intent of the By-law is maintained, minor adjustments of an administrative or technical nature will not require an amendment to this By-law.

By-law 44-2006

5.36 Dumpsters/Storaqe Containers in Residential Areas

In an ER, R, and D Zone, dumpsters and/or storage containers may be permitted in the front yard during a single period of up to 90 days in any 12-month period.

By-law 2020-047

5.37 Reaf Yard Access for Townhouses

A 1.5 metre wide access is required for interior townhouse units by an easement from the end unit(s) or access from within the individual units though non-habitable space.

By-law 2020-047

5.38 Qne Dwelling Per Lot

Where single detached dwellings are permitted, no person shall erect more than one (1) single detached dwelling on one lot.

By-law 2020-047