Dufferin County Road Analysis
The data behind the tables and graphs on this page were compiled in Aug 2018 based on data from the Dufferin County Open Data Road Network.
Some errors are likely due to data, rounding or general assumptions. Overall the analysis should provide an accurate picture of Dufferin County Roads.
Overview (Quick Facts)
Roads By Length
Dufferin County
The raw data table and charts display a complete list of roads with total length and which municipalities the road enters.
Roads By Type
Dufferin County
The raw data table and charts display a summary of all roads in Dufferin County by road type, length and count.
Roads By Direction
Dufferin County
The raw data table and chart displays a summary of all roads in Dufferin County by road type, direction and length.
On the wind rose chart, opposite directions are always equal. (eg If N = 100 and S = 100, then there is 100m of road running in a N/S direction)